Partnering With Us

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Let us support your clients on their expat adventure

As an adviser, you have no doubt waved goodbye to clients who have decided to work overseas and experience life as an expat. Without their safety net of advisers back home, expats are at risk of receiving unreliable financial advice and investing in risky or unsuitable insurance and investments.

We set up TAG Wealth International to help expats manage their money, so that their time abroad not only gives them great memories, but a strong financial footing for the future.

We know that your clients could benefit from TAG Wealth International and we think you could too!

The expat adventure is not risk-free…

We set up TAG Wealth International to help expats make the most of their expat experience while at the same time, looking after their financial future.

We know the pitfalls that can get in the way of the expat success story:

  • They find their living expenses increase and they aren’t generating the savings they expected
  • They are worried about their financial future but are intimidated by the unfamiliar market and environment
  • They are at risk of unscrupulous advisers or self-directed investment in unsuitable products
  • They lose touch with their safety net of advisors back home

Unlike other international financial advisers, we do things right:

  • Our investment options are globally portable, no matter where in the world your clients go next
  • We insist on the highest quality products, based only in world-class, secure jurisdictions
  • We are independent, so there are no smoke and mirrors or conflicts of interest. We are completely transparent in everything we recommend.
  • We centre on giving expats the right advice, not selling unsuitable products.

Partnering with us is a Win – Win
For You and Your Clients

By entrusting your clients to TAG Wealth International and making sure that your clients receive appropriate advice while abroad, you will also benefit:

Client Relationship

We don’t offer Accounting services, so you will remain their trusted adviser. We’ll make sure there is a clear line between us attending to their offshore needs and you being the trusted adviser for their onshore needs.


You won’t have a financial tangle to resolve when their time abroad is over. Every piece of advice is designed to give your clients financial security and a solid asset base for when they eventually return home.


Our investment advice is licensed by the Financial Services Network, one of the largest networks of independent financial advisers in the global expat market.


Our Happy Clients